Let's go back in time to May of 2002.

After a "normal" mammogram, my doctor and now my hero, Dr. McKinney, found a lump during my yearly check-up. I was told that 99% of the time it was nothing to be concerned about.

However, the odds were not in my favor. At the age of 42, married and raising 2 teenager daughters, I heard those infamous words: "You have Breast Cancer!” My whole world was turned upside down.

Fast forward to the beginning of 2003, after surviving two lumpectomies, a sentinel node biopsy, 7 1/2 weeks of radiation and 12 weeks of AC chemotherapy; I had an "Ah Ha" moment. How lucky am I to still be alive? My tumor was caught in its early stages and my prognosis was good.

I took time to reevaluate my life, cancer had certainly shifted my priorities. I realized that the most important things in life were my wonderful family and my amazing friends.  The support I had received from them during this horrible time in my life was invaluable. I needed to make it my best life and embrace all the time I had left. 

Time flew by and in 2006 I heard about HA at a breast cancer support group I was attending at my local hospital. It certainly sounded like something I had to try. Now that my daughters were grown and attending college, I had some time to myself. 

So, on a cold night in March, I took the leap and headed down to the Schuylkill River to give this “Dragon Boating” thing a try. The web site advised you to dress warmly. So, I did! Dressed in a puffy winter coat, heavy Sketcher shoes and winter gloves, I showed up at the river. The other ladies on the team took one look at me and said you can't paddle wearing that! I was quickly given donations of paddling clothes, paddling gloves, and water shoes. 

After the 3rd practice; I was tired and worn out. Nan G. looked at me and said, "How did you like it?" I was not sure, but it did feel good to not think about anyone or anything but myself for that hour and 1/2 spent in the middle of the magnificent Schuylkill. “But did you have fun?” she persisted. You know that I did! The rest is history...

Life has been good to me; I met and got remarried to the love of my life, whom I met through a former teammate. Plan B as I like to call it was the plan for me after all. I got a “do-over” and I wasn’t going to waste one minute of it!

HA has taught me to surround myself with non-toxic people and boy have I! Every one of the women on this team are amazing, caring, and we have an instant bond as survivors. Over the years, I have loved and lost several amazing HA people: Alvin, Sonia, Candy, Jacquelyn, and Sheila. My life is so much richer for having known them and I wouldn’t change a thing.